Journal of Dramatic Theory & Criticism
The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism was founded in 1986 at the University of Kansas by John Gronbeck-Tedesco and Paul Newell Campbell. The journal publishes full-length articles that contribute to the varied conversations in dramatic theory and criticism, explore the relationship between theory and theatre practice, and/or examine recent scholarship by a single author. The journal is published twice each year by the Department of Theatre & Dance with the support of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Subscription price (in US dollars): US & Canada/Other Countries
Students (w/ copy of student ID): $20.00/$25.00
Professionals (KS residents add sales tax): $30.00/$40.00
Institutions: $40.00/$45.00
Contact or:
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
University of Kansas
Department of Theatre & Dance
1530 Naismith Drive
Murphy Hall, Room 356
Lawrence KS 66045-3140
Some back issues are available. For a price list contact
Submissions & Permissions
The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism seeks contributions for future issues addressing paradigms used in or potentially useful for dramatic theory and criticism, broadly conceived. Contributions may investigate practices and methods that raise questions about the nature and function of theatre, drama, or performance. Contributions should be 5000 to 8000 words in length.
The journal also invites shorter essays, interviews, or dialogues reflecting on the field or that examine a body of work by an individual author or a recent theoretical or critical trend.
Manuscripts must conform to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, using endnotes. Because the JDTC uses a double-blind peer-review process, contributors are asked not to put their names on manuscripts; only the title should appear. All inquiries may be directed to the Managing Editor at Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract (approx. 100 words in length), 5 keywords, and a brief biography of the author. To submit a manuscript, please send an electronic copy as a Word attachment (including cover page with name, address, e-mail, and phone number) to Manuscripts may also be sent (with personal information indicated above on a separate page) by mail to:
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
University of Kansas
Department of Theatre & Dance
1530 Naismith Drive
Murphy Hall, Room 356
Lawrence KS 66045-3140
Book reviews should be between 800 and 1000 words for single book reviews (1,500 words for double book reviews) and conform to the current version of the Chicago Manual of Style. Reviews should include title and publication information, current price of the book in both cloth and paper (if applicable), and length in pages, inclusive of front matter and appendices. Reviews should speak to the book's strengths and/or weaknesses, its contribution to the field in relation to similar/competing volumes (if applicable), and the particular audiences to whom the book would be most helpful. Reviews should end with the name of the reviewer, followed by institutional affiliation. See the list of books received below.
Individuals interested in reviewing books for JDTC may submit a statement of expertise or brief CV to Bryan Schmidt, book review editor.
Authors and presses may send review copies of books to:
Dr. Bryan Schmidt, JDTC Book Review Editor
William & Mary, Theatre & Performance
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism enforces a rigorous peer-review process and strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scholarship to the fields of theatre and performance studies. The editors of JDTC take such infringements of publishing ethics as plagiarism, image manipulation, and inappropriate authorship credit very seriously. Our staff is trained to proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy.
Authors wishing to publish their essays in JDTC must abide by the following:
- Any facts that may be perceived as a possible conflict of interest of the author(s) must be disclosed in the essay prior to submission.
- Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not tolerated.
- Republishing content that is not original is not tolerated (for example, an English translation of a paper that is already published in another language will not be accepted).
- If you include already published figures or images, please obtain all necessary permissions.
- If errors and inaccuracies are found by our authors after publication of their essays, please promptly communicate these errors to the journal editors so that appropriate actions can be taken.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Scholars may, without prior permission, quote from the Journal to document their own work, but it is their responsibility to make proper acknowledgement and to limit quotation to what is legitimately needed. This waiver does not extend to the quotations of substantial parts of articles or to a quotation presented as primary material for its own sake. Requests for permissions to reprint all or substantial parts of articles should be made to the authors, who retain all rights to their work.