Classroom/Studio Reservations

Theatre & Dance students may reserve classrooms & studios for academic purposes, which includes rehearsals for studio classes and approved performance projects such as Senior Showcase or Jayhawk Performance Lab. All room requests must include the class or project name and the sponsoring professor's name.

Theatre & Dance classrooms & studios may be reserved on a limited basis by other KU departments or student organizations. Visit Non-Departmental Reservations for more information.

Rooms Available

  • Murphy 201, Theatre Design Lab
  • Murphy 209, Theatre Studio
  • Murphy 235, Theatre Classroom
  • Murphy 341, Theatre Classroom
  • Murphy 354, Theatre Studio (Restricted use on evenings and weekends)
  • Robinson 240, Dance Studio/Sherbon Theatre
  • Robinson 242, Dance Studio

Making a Reservation

To reserve a room in Murphy Hall, visit Murphy 317 or call 785-864-3381. To reserve a room in Robinson Center, visit Robinson 251 or call 785-864-4264

Faculty, staff, and students may also reserve rooms through Outlook by following the directions below.

Outlook for Windows

  • Open the calendar tab
  • On your personal calendar, create a new event
  • Choose the date & times
  • In location, start typing the room name
    • Suggestions will pop up and indicate if the room is available
    • Choose the room
  • Or click Scheduling Assistant
    • You can view multiple room schedules and adjust times to decide on a room
    • Click Meeting to go back to complete the reservation
  • Enter details about your reservation including the related class and professor
  • Click send
  • An email will be sent to the admin staff to approve or reject the reservation. They may also request more information before they can approve the reservation

Outlook for Mac

  • Open the calendar tab
  • On your personal calendar, create a new event
  • Choose the date & times
  • In location, start typing the room name
    • Suggestions will pop up but will not indicate if the room is available
    • Choose the room
  • Or click the open book next to the location field to search for rooms
    • Type in Murphy or Robinson to see the room list
    • Highlight a room and click Check Availability
    • You can view multiple room schedules and adjust times to decide on a room
    • Click Appointment to go back to complete the reservation
  • Enter details about your reservation including the related class and professor
  • Click send
  • An email will be sent to the admin staff to approve or reject the reservation. They may also request more information before they can approve the reservation