Jane Barnette

- Professor
- Dramaturgy, Theatre History
Contact Info
Murphy Hall, Room 214-B
Biography —
Jane Barnette is a theatre historian and dramaturg who specializes in literary adaptation and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Barnette's production work includes dramaturgy, acting, and directing for original adaptations of literature, classic and contemporary plays, and musical theatre. She produced an original adaptation of Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, co-created with Michael Haverty, for Kennesaw State University and 7 Stages Theatre in Atlanta. Her book, Adapturgy: The Dramaturg's Art and Theatrical Adaptation, published with Southern Illinois University Press (Theater in the Americas series) in 2018, is the first of its kind to address the theory and practice of adaptation dramaturgy. Her work on adapturgy can also be seen in recent collections on theatrical adaptation ("The Spirit of the Source: Adaptation Dramaturgy and Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, in Kara Reilly's Contemporary Approaches to Adaptation in Theatre) and journals dedicated to adaptation ("How to Do Things with Birds" in The Journal of Adaptation in Theatre & Performance). Additionally, Barnette is the author of "The Matinee Audience in Peril: The Syndicate's Mr. Bluebeard and the Iroquois Theatre Fire" and "Rail-izing the Nation Along Lake Michigan: The Wheels a-Rolling Pageant," both of which appeared in Theatre Symposium and stem from her research interests in the intersections of popular culture and the railroad business. Barnette's articles and reviews have also appeared in Theatre Topics, Text and Performance Quarterly, Theatre InSight, and Theatre Journal. A recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Teaching Award for the College of the Arts at Kennesaw State University, Barnette explored the intersection of yoga/yogic philosophy and pedagogy from 2012-14 as coordinator of and participant in a Faculty Learning Community. She serves as a board member of the Friends of the Theatre (FROTH) and on the advisory board of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program at KU, is a Regional Vice President for the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, a member of the Pedagogy Subcommittee within the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, and was the Associate Editor for Theatre Symposium from 2012-14.
Education —
Ph.D. in Theatre History & Criticism, University of Texas at Austin
Research —
Research interests:
- Dramaturgy
- Theatre History
- Adaptation for the Stage
- Railroad Culture
- Makeup Design History
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Theatre History
- Dramaturgy
- Script Analysis
- Adaptation
- Historiography
- Dramatic Theory
- Gender
- American Studies
Selected Publications —
Barnette, Jane. 2018. “The Spirit of the Source: Adaptation Dramaturgy and Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage.” Book Chapters. In Contemporary Approaches to Adaptation in Theatre , edited by Kara Reilly, 121–42. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-59783-0.
Barnette, Jane. 2017. Adapturgy: The Dramaturg’s Art and Theatrical Adaptation. Books. Edited by Scott Magelssen. Southern Illinois University Press.
Barnette , Jane. 2016. “How to Do Things with Birds: The Janus Effect in Theatrical Adaptation.” Journal Articles. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 9 (2): 131–45.
Barnette , Jane. 2015. “Embracing the ‘Foggy Place’ of Theatre History: The Chautauqua/Colloquia Model of Public Scholarship as Performance.” Journal Articles. Theatre Topics 25 (3): 231–42.
Barnette, Jane. 2014. “Literary Adaptation for the Stage: A Primer for Dramaturgs.” Book Chapters. In The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy, edited by Magda Romanska, 294–99.
Barnette, Jane. 2012. “The Matinee Audience in Peril: The Syndicate’s <I>Mr. Bluebeard</I> and the Iroquois Theatre Fire.” Journal Articles. Theatre Symposium 20: 23–29.
Selected Presentations —
Barnette, J., Lee, E. K., & Green-Rogers, M. K. (11/16/2017 - 11/19/2017). AboutFace: The Material History of Difference in Stage Makeup and Masks. American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). Atlanta, GA
Barnette, J., Chang, L., López, A., & Bellet, A. (8/6/2017). Graduate Teaching Demonstration & Feedback. Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). Las Vegas, NV
Barnette, J., & Alker, G. (8/3/2017). Theory & Criticism Mindfulness Pre-Conference Workshop. Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). Las Vegas, NV
Barnette, J. (6/8/2017 - 6/10/2017). "Adaptation as Course Topic & Methodology". (Re)imagining Humanities Teaching: Innovations in Course Design. Kansas City, MO
Barnette, J. (6/30/2016). (Re)Staging the Civil War: Red Badge of Courage in the American South. International Federation for Theatre Research. Stockholm, Sweden
Barnette, J. (11/5/2015). Troubling the Whiteness of the Whale: The Adapturgy of Moby-Dick on Stage. American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). Portland, OR
Barnette, J., McKinnon, J., Essin, C., Callens, J., Marcia, D., & Lodewyck, L. (8/2/2015). Adapt/Translate/Appropriate Roundtable Series: Pedagogical and Dramaturgical Innovations. Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). Montreal, Quebec
Essin, C., Barnette, J., Fitzgerald, D., & Abrams, J. (7/29/2015 - 7/30/2015). Theory in Practice: a Pre-Conference Workshop. Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference. Montreal, Quebec
Barnette, J., Chemers, M., Trencsényi, K., & Romanska , M. (6/27/2014). Writing and Publishing Dramaturgy Books. LMDA. Boston, MA
Barnette, J. (2/28/2014). ReActing to the Past—A Micro-Game. Armstrong State University. Savannah, GA
Creative Works —
The Book Club Play. Karen Zacarías. William Inge Memorial Theatre. Lawrence, KS, USA. 7/1/2017 - 7/31/2017
Chicago Puppet Festival. 1/19/2017 - 1/22/2017. Festival intensive--included workshops, backstage tours, and viewing of 10 puppet shows in 3 days
Late, a Cowboy Song. Sarah Ruhl. William Inge Memorial Theatre. Lawrence, KS. October, 2016. 8/1/2016 - 10/31/2016
Dramaturg. Artist in Residence, International Thespian Festival: Playworks. Samuel French. Lincoln, NE. 6/1/2016 - 6/30/2016. Penelope. New play dramaturgy for national competition-based high school playwright showcase
Scenes at the Inge House. William Inge. William Inge Center for the Arts. Independence, KS. 4/20/2016 - 4/23/2016. Directed a scene from /The Dark at the Top of the Stairs/ on behalf of KU Theatre
Neurasthenia, a Memorial Reading. Rachel Perlmeter. JIST (Jayhawk Initiative for Student Theatre). Murphy Hall 235. Lawrence, KS. 11/1/2015
Midnight Visit to the Grave of Poe: A Grotesque Arabesque. directed by Ric Averill. Lawrence Arts Center. Lawrence, KS. 9/1/2015 - 10/31/2015
Mami Confessions. by Lorraine Rodriguez-Reyes, directed by Susan Reid. Solo Performances. Kitchen Theatre Company. Ithaca, NY. 3/31/2015
Marcus; or, the Secret of Sweet. directed by Karen Robinson. Actor’s Express Theatre. Atlanta, GA. 3/31/2015
Red Badge of Courage. Black Box Theater at Auburn University. Auburn, AL. 1/1/2015 - 3/31/2015
Awards & Honors —
Creating Sustained Change in Practices of Engaged and Active Learning in Humanities Instruction
Collaborative Humanities Redesign Project
2014 - 2017
Collaborative Humanities Redesign Project
2014 - 2017
K. Barbara Schowen Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award -- Honorable Mention
Center for Undergraduate Research
Center for Undergraduate Research